Summertime is here and that means it is time to break out the sandals and enjoy the heat!
But for some, summertime means that it is still time to keep those puppies cooped up in their shoes because of their embarrassment from the unsightliness of toenail fungus. So, what's the answer, wear shoes forever? Not necessarily.
Toenail fungus, known in the science and medical world as: onychomycosis, is a very stubborn toenail infection from any number of different types of fungi. Onychomycosis can also lead to skin infections like athlete's foot.
The safest form of treatment of onychomycosis is the use of topical medication. There are several FDA approved topical medications available. Most are to be applied once daily but they need to be used for close to one year. Patient compliance is sometimes poor, as people tend to get tired of applying medication to their toenails for months on end.
Oral medication is the old time gold standard for treating onychomycosis. Usually taken once daily for three months, the oral medication has a higher cure rate than the topical medication. However, blood work does need to be taken to make sure that the oral medication does not adversely affect the liver.
Laser treatment of the toenails is the newest form of killing toenail fungus. The treatments are painless and usually only take a few minutes.
If you have some unsightly toenail problems, don't let it keep you from enjoying your designated sandal season....come in to see Dr. Zimmermann!
Zimmermann Podiatry
Erik Zimmermann, DPM
923 W. Dixie Ave, Suite B
Leesburg, FL 34748
(352) 435-7849